The close of 2008, expectations for 2009

By André Skondras

Hi all:

Estimate of the Situation:

This past year I have noticed the following sets of events:

(1) UFOs visited the little Texas city of Stephenville and were possibly setting course towards the US President's Crawford Ranch when they were suddenly interrupted by "shoot-them-down" F16s. Was a white house lawn landing scenario in the works? Was it a mere wake-up call to the highest US authorities to come totally clean, the US being most likely the first country to have sequestered alien hardware?

(2) UFOs re-visited quite a number of times the CNN Larry King Studios re their presence in Stephenville, at Roswell and over nuclear silos. Larry said he would very much be the first "journalist" to interview an alien. I wish him all the luck!!

(3) UFOs were also visiting the various media channels which had most likely been triggered by the gradual release of the MoD UFO files and above all by former Apollo astronaut Edgar Mitchell's statements re alien visits, the associated Roswell events and Pentagon contacts. Edgar expects open disclosure to occur before too long; however, others are not so sure and think Edgar may have fallen victim to a historically ongoing USAF disinformation campaign and thus creating a VIP Truth Fallacy easily swallowed by gullible ufologists. More importantly, are the media gradually changing their attitude and position re ufos by reporting it slightly more seriously?

(4) UFOs hit the bookstores, too. Stan Friedman succeeded very well in delving into the scientific reasonings behind the existence of flying saucers from somewhere else with his book Flying Saucers and Science. And Jesse Marcel, Jr. delved into the factual history of his late dad and first-hand witness to the Roswell debris which he has presented in The Roswell Legacy. And let's of course not forget David Cherniack's acclaimed documentary UFOs: The Secret History. More such productions are badly needed!!

(5) UFOs encountered new debunkers such as Bill Nye "the science guy" and Bad Astronomy's Phil Plait exposing the debunkers' world for what it is, a select group of dogmatic and baseless naysayers!

(6) And the Flemish Public Broadcasting station has recently taken the initiative to launch a new Golden Record into space.

What is to be or might hopefully be expected of 2009:

(1) James Fox will release his new and eagerly awaited documentary Beyond The Blue in which he will show by process of elimination that some ufos are most likely someone else's technological craft. Included in this documentary is an important message to the US by Jacques Patenet, head of the French CNES. And a mathematician has tried to analyze the alien symbols which Jim Penniston had witnessed on the craft he saw in December 1980 at Rendlesham Forest.

(2) Hopefully press exposure will be taken to new levels of seriousness.

(3) Hopefully the US will set up a preliminary meeting to start talks of gradually releasing their ufo files. Will Top Secret Eyes Only be finally downgraded to Unrestricted All Eyes? And will this much anticipated open disclosure be earth-shattering or produce lame ducks?

(4) Hopefully President-elect Obama will pay more attention to the needs and voices of the people. Will he listen to the reasonable voices within ufology demanding full and open disclosure?

(5) Will Larry King finally get his much desired alien interview ;-) ?

(6) And also important, Belgian astronaut Frank De Winne will become in May the first European Commander of the ISS. Will he take the new Golden Record with him and hand it over to the aliens out there ;-)? Also in May the new Star Trek movie will be released recounting the early years or how it all started!

(7) Hopefully I will succeed in slowing down a bit my ufo-related email activities (some of you would not mind I guess), thus spending more time on other private and family matters. Maybe I will quit my teaching job and search for something else more pleasing.

(8) ............??????

But for now I would like to wish thee from the deepest chambers of my heart a very pleasurable end of the Old year and lots of pleasant and positive things to befall on thee in the New year and don't be discouraged by moments of depths, to which I myself have been a personal witness many a times in the past 8+ years, think of them as learning processes towards positive growth and strength.

So to all of you warm 2009 greetings!!!

Live Long and Prosper!!!

Warmest regards.

André Skondras


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